

Encourage LAUSD School Board Members to Renew Our Schools

Every five years, the Los Angeles Unified School District has to vote on whether or not our school should remain open. This fall, LAUSD will be voting on our school’s future. Let the school board know that there is strong community support for the school and ensure they vote in favor of our school by sending them an email using the form below. Please edit the message however you like. We encourage you to let the Board know that you are a parent or student at the school and to add a couple of sentences about how the school has supported you/your family. Thanks so much!



Cada cinco años, el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles tiene que votar si nuestra escuela debe permanecer abierta o no. Este otoño, LAUSD votará sobre el futuro de nuestra escuela. Hágale saber a la Junta Escolar del Distrito que existe un fuerte apoyo de la comunidad para la escuela y asegúrese de que vote a favor de nuestra escuela a través de enviarlos un correo electrónico utilizando el formulario a continuación. Edite el mensaje como desee. Les animamos a agregar un par de oraciones sobre cómo la escuela ha apoyado a usted / su familia. ¡Muchas gracias!

Send an email to the LAUSD board Enviar un correo electrónico a los miembros de la junta escolar del LAUSD

© 2025 Green Dot Public Schools - California

🚨 We are pleased to announce that all Green Dot campuses have reopened. Our teams have worked hard to ensure a safe and clean environment for your children. Masks will be available  for students and staff who need them, but we ask that you send your student to school with a mask if you have masks at home.

For a detailed update, read our full blog post.

In compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), you have the right to know what personal data we collect, request its deletion, and opt-out of its sale. We ensure reasonable security measures to protect your data and provide a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link on our homepage. For more information or to exercise your rights, please contact us at info@greendot.org.