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Teachers Credentials
California Teacher Induction Program
Green Dot’s Teacher Induction Program is designed to provide a two-year, personalized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning to teachers in our classrooms during their first year of teaching. Our Induction programs are designed to provide tailored mentoring and support to prepare teachers for their first year. Learn about Green Dot’s teacher induction and CTC approved CASC induction programs.

Program Description

Approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Mentoring system designed to center growth as a teaching professional

Path for teachers who hold preliminary credentials to clear Single and Multiple Subject and Education Specialist credentials

Early completion
option for qualified

Competitive tuition fee

Program Scope and Sequence:
- Self-assessment of professional practice
- Set professional goals
- Conduct inquiry into teaching and student learning with mentor support
- Reflect on inquiry process
Want to learn more about teacher induction?

California Teaching Credential FAQ
Can I teach at Green Dot with a Preliminary or Clear Multiple Subject Credential?
If you want to teach Middle School Math, Science, ELA, or Social Studies, these credentials will suffice. If you want to teach High School, you can teach with a Multiple Subject Credential for one year, but will need to obtain a Single Subject credential. Our Talent Specialists can provide more details once you apply.
I don't have a California Preliminary or Intern Credential yet. Can I still work for Green Dot?
Green Dot hires applicants who are eligible to receive an emergency permit, OR already have a valid teaching credential, as determined by our in-house Credentials Team. While you are not required to have a full teaching credential upon offer of employment, all applicants must (at minimum) have passed a basic skills exam and hold at least 18 semester units in a specific subject matter on their undergrad transcripts.
My program says that I'm "intern-eligible." Now what?
Individuals who have intern eligibility should receive physical documentation from their education program and present it during the application process. At Green Dot, those who are intern-eligible and receive an offer of employment should have an intent-to-offer letter to submit their program. The education program should, in turn, make a recommendation on behalf of the individual to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for the intern credential.
I have a Multiple Subjects Credential. Can I work for Green Dot?
Those who hold a Multiple Subjects Credential may be hired at Green Dot, but they must submit for an emergency permit called a Limited Assignment Permit (LAP). This permit will be assigned for a specific subject matter, and the individual will be required to add the specific core subject matter to their current credential within one year of being hired. In order to add an authorization to a current credential, an individual must either: 1) pass all CSETs in the subject matter; OR 2) take coursework resulting in 20-32 semester units in the subject matter; OR 3) perform a combination of coursework and pass CSET tests. To learn more, please visit the CTC website.
I am interested in teaching in a subject outside of my credential assigned subject matter. What do I have to do?
Individuals interested in teaching a subject outside of their credentialed subject matter are required to add an authorization for the subject matter of interest to their existing credential. If the request to teach outside of their credential subject matter is granted, the individual will be required to obtain an emergency permit called a Limited Assignment Permit (LAP). This permit will be assigned for a specific subject matter, and the individual will be required to add the specific core subject matter to their current credential within a year of hire. In order to add an authorization to a current credential, an individual must either: 1) pass all CSETs in the subject matter; OR 2) take coursework resulting in 20-32 semester units in the subject matter; OR 3) perform a combination of coursework and pass CSET tests. To learn more, please visit the CTC website.
I've heard you must have an EL-Authorization in order to teach at Green Dot. Is this true? Why do I need one?
In addition to having authorization in the content area of instruction, all Green Dot teachers must have authorization for instruction to English learners. The CTC requires EL authorizations when the local level determines that EL instructional services are necessary, regardless of the school’s “decile” rank, subject area, type of setting, or the number of EL students in the class. Most of the students in the communities that Green Dot serves are English learners. As such, all teachers must have EL authorization. To learn more, please visit the CTC website.