Photo Essay: Ánimo City of Champions Charter High School’s First Career Day

This month, students at Ánimo City of Champions Charter High School in Inglewood met with professionals across STEM, business, entertainment, and non-profit industries. Counselor Tyler Williams and Parent Coordinator Laura Williford worked with staff and the Inglewood community to invite professionals to the school’s first Career Day.

“It’s vital that we prepare our students for life after high school as early as possible,” said Williams. “They can’t just wait until their junior year to start planning out their lives, that’s too late.”

Some participating professionals spoke to students about their careers and their experiences in college.

Other professionals hosted workshops where students refined their resumes, learned to build a website, and workshopped their creative writing.

“I hope that students are inspired, and return to school tomorrow thinking about what they can do, and how they can do it,” said broadcaster Monique Quarles. “They may not know it yet, but they’re unstoppable.”

At Green Dot, we provide our students with ample opportunities to broaden their exposure to diverse career opportunities, including career days, mock interviews, internships, field trips, and panels with professionals.

Ánimo City of Champion’s first Career Day proved to be a success. Both Williams and Williford hope to invite the participants back for a day of workshops and panels later this year.
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