Student Policy Manual

Student Policy Manual

Student Policy Manual Overview

The policies set forth in this Green Dot Public Schools California (“Green Dot” or “Green Dot Public Schools”) Student Policy Manual (“Manual”) are intended to inform Green Dot employees and families of students enrolled at Green Dot schools regarding common questions and issues that arise at school sites.
The Manual includes student policies that are intended to be user-friendly and provide insight into Green Dot’s culture, policies, and philosophies. Every situation is different, however, and individual circumstances often require individual solutions. Accordingly, this Manual provides guidelines and is not a contract. Green Dot may vary from any written policy in the Manual as necessary and as permissible by law. This Manual reflects Green Dot’s student policies at the time each policy was last revised.
The policies with a “(Can be localized)” designation in the Table of Contents are recommended school policies. Any school-site specific additions or modifications to these recommended policies can be found in Section G: Localized Policies. All policies without this “(Can be localized)” designation are mandatory for all Green Dot schools.

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