Founded in 1999
Transform Public Education

Our Mission
At Green Dot Public Schools, our charter schools are dedicated to transforming public education, so ALL scholars graduate prepared for college, leadership, and life.
Our Values

An unwavering belief in all students’ potential
An unwavering belief in all students’ potential

A passion for excellence
A passion for excellence

Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility

Respect for others in the community
Respect for others in the community

All stakeholders are critical in the education process
An unwavering belief in all students’ potential
Our History
Green Dot was founded in 1999 with a mission to transform public education in historically underserved neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles. Since then, we’ve been committed to creating small, successful public schools that provide high-quality academic opportunities. We believe that public schools can do better and must provide all scholars with equitable learning experiences, regardless of zip code.

We started with one 9th grade class of 140 scholars at Ánimo Leadership Charter High School in Lennox, California

We opened 9 more schools during this period

Green Dot teams up with teachers, parents, and the community to transform Locke High School to support and transform the Watts community
Ánimo Inglewood, Ánimo Pat Brown, Ánimo Leadership and Oscar De La Hoya Ánimo are named as California Distinguished Schools

Our first middle school - Ánimo Jefferson Charter Middle School - opens, serving the communities of Downtown, Vernon, and Central Alameda

Green Dot began operating Ánimo Legacy, formerly Henry Clay Middle School, which was once a Los Angeles Unified School District school
CRESST evaluated Green Dot’s transformation of a low-performing school, Alain Leroy Locke High School and found statistically significant positive effects, including improved achievement, higher persistence rates, and increased completion of college preparatory courses for Locke scholars compared to matched peers

Green Dot is awarded the Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grant by the Department of Education



Green Dot was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a national leader in school turnarounds

Ánimo Ellen Ochoa Charter Middle School, Ánimo Inglewood High School, Ánimo Jackie Robinson High School, and Ánimo Leadership High School in Los Angeles are named 2024 California Distinguished Schools

What Are Public Charter Schools?

Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO), found that California charter public schools outperform traditional public schools. CREDO study named Green Dot California a “gap-busting” organization for delivering significantly more learning days in reading and math including: Ánimo Jackie Robinson High School, Ánimo Ralph Bunche High School, Ánimo Leadership High School, Ánimo Watts College Preparatory Academy, Oscar de la Hoya Ánimo Charter High School, Ánimo Pat Brown, Ánimo South Los Angeles Charter, Ánimo Venice Charter High School, and Ánimo Inglewood Charter High School.
Charter schools give families options beyond traditional district schools. If demand for enrollment in a charter school exceeds space, a random lottery will determine admission.
Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO), found that California charter public schools outperform traditional public schools. CREDO study named Green Dot California a “gap-busting” organization for delivering significantly more learning days in reading and math including: Ánimo Jackie Robinson High School, Ánimo Ralph Bunche High School, Ánimo Leadership High School, Ánimo Watts College Preparatory Academy, Oscar de la Hoya Ánimo Charter High School, Ánimo Pat Brown, Ánimo South Los Angeles Charter, Ánimo Venice Charter High School, and Ánimo Inglewood Charter High School.