Destiny in Year Two: Continuing the Hard Work to Make an Excellent School
Shuffling feet, sharpened pencils, and eagerness fill Destiny Middle School as 6th and 7th graders come through the doors in Tacoma, WA. Now in its second year, Destiny’s school leaders, teacher team, and support staff are working tirelessly to build upon the success we saw in the first year. “We are working to be incredibly responsive to the needs of our students and building a consistent culture of academic achievement”, says Principal Kyna Williams.
First year growth
“With the first year under our belts,” says Principal Williams, “the educators at Destiny Middle School are excited to see our new and returning students really excel.”
Already, the academic results show the value of effective educators and purposeful practices in supporting the growth of our students. Destiny’s founding class grew approximately three grade levels in reading, and some students with special needs grew as many as five grade levels.
Responsive academic model
“We’re especially proud of the literacy growth data and the responsive academic intervention program that was put in place last year,” says Williams. The program uses diagnostic tests to measure student literacy skills. Teachers use this data to better inform instruction and make adjustments to meet the individual needs of our students. She believes a responsive model is the cornerstone of the personalized approach necessary in a school whose mission is to prepare all students for high school, college, leadership, and life.
Visions for 2017- 18
As new sixth graders fill the halls and classrooms, the school is already well into the 2016-17 school year. Destiny is ready to embark on a challenging, yet rewarding year ahead, with specific focus on:
- Core curriculum that engages students and sets for ambitious teaching
- Advisory class, developing social-emotional learning skills crucial for persistence to and through college
- Merit store, the launching of a shop that rewards positive student behavior
- All-school meeting structure, focusing on the development of a culture of inclusion and accountability
The positive energy in the building is undeniable, and we will continue to support our growing student body and their journey towards excellence.