President Biden & First Lady Speak to NEA, Summer School Faces Challenges, and Critical Race Theory Continues to be Debated. Weekly News & Views, July 6 2021.
- Summer school is well underway across the country though several districts are facing an understaffing of teachers further complicating students’ growth. (NBC News, NY Times, PBS News Hour, CNN, Washington Post, Chalkbeat NYC)
- Critical race theory is still a hotly debated topic nationwide. In Tennessee and Texas, legislation has passed banning the instruction of critical race theory. (NY Times, Brookings, CNN, EdWeek, The Week, Fox News, Chalkbeat TN, Washington Post)
- ProPublica (Annie Waldman, Education Reporter): Held Back: Inside a Lost School Year
- President Joe Biden & First Lady Jill Biden: Remarks at the NEA’s Annual Representative Assembly
- Bloomberg (Q&A with Former LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner): The Big Question: Can U.S. Schools Recover From the Pandemic?
- Commercial Appeal (Robin Brice & Maya Perry, 90ONE Organizing Network for Equity): How Shelby County must address lost learning opportunities for students with additional needs