July 20, 2021 Weekly News Report: Democrats propose expanding public education in new budget, AAP says all students & teachers should wear masks this fall, and more.
- The most recent Democratic budget proposal includes major advances for public education including free pre-K and community college, though there is a provision “tucked” into this bill that would cut funding for the Charter Schools Program and limit charters’ opportunity to receive federal funds including Title I. (NPR, NY Times, CNN Politics, EdWeek, The Hill Opinion, Wall Street Journal, Nina Rees open letter to Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro & Ranking Member Tom Cole)
- On Monday, The American Academy of Pediatrics released updated guidelines for school which recommended that all students and staff wear face masks regardless of vaccination status. (NPR, Washington Post, NBC News, New York Times, CNN, American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines) This is in contrast to previously released CDC guidance stating that those vaccinated do not need to wear masks. (Politico) States and districts are expected to continue making autonomous decisions: Memphis just announced masks will be mandatory (Chalkbeat Tennessee) and LAUSD had already announced masks would be required for all (LA Daily News).
- The Jewish Journal (Ron Galperin, City Controller of Los Angeles): LAUSD Does Not Go Far Enough in Calling Out Antisemitism
- EdWeek (Stephen Sawchuk, Education Editor): An Action Plan for Confronting Chronic Absenteeism This Fall
- EdSource (Anne Vasquez, EdSource Executive Director): Q&A: My conversation with U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona
- New York Times (Ross Douthat, Opinion Columnist): How Conservatives Can Reshape Education