GDPST Updates November 22, 2021
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“ABILITY is what you’re capable of doing. MOTIVATION determines what you do. ATTITUDE determines who well you do it.” – Lou Holtz
The holiday season is suddenly upon us. It’s the time of year when we get caught up in all the lights and the seasonal shuffle of multiple celebrations. GDPST believes that this is the opportune time for reflection over the year that has gone by in a flash, giving thanks for all that has been accomplished. This time last year we were preparing for teachers to return to the buildings after beginning the school year completely online. We have been in school, in person, since August and we are so grateful for each day of learning, safety, health, and well-being for our students, staff, and community.
Our teachers have worked tirelessly to bridge the gaps brought on by the past months of pandemic learning. Their diligence is paying off and the mid-term data indicate our students are thriving because of sound instruction and the interventions put in place by our academic teams on each campus. Thank you, teachers, for being teamstrong and holding fast to your WHY to make this journey All About the Students. We are
Parents, you have continued to choose us to educate your children. We appreciate all you do to make sure students are prepared each day to learn and the support you provide when the learning extends beyond the school day. We are
GRATEFUL for your family, your resilience through this time, and your efforts to make sure your child is prepared for college, leadership, and life.
Finally, Green Dot Public Schools TN is most
GRATEFUL for our students. We appreciate the joy and the challenges that you bring with you daily. Seeing how engaged you are while annotating the text or productively struggling through a math task makes all the difference in how we view this work. We hope you will enjoy this upcoming holiday season and share your very own expressions of gratitude with those around you.
Shout out to Principal Marysa Utley and the Eagles of Wooddale Middle School. They took the time out this week to celebrate an amazing group of students who have not missed a single day of school throughout the pandemic! Ms. Utley
, along with 105 students, enjoyed a bit of fun to commemorate this occasion, taking a field trip to Main Event for some bowling, laser tag, arcade games, and great food. Everyone at Wooddale is so proud of these students. “The dedication and commitment of these students and their families are what makes Wooddale Middle a community of academic excellence. Our entire school team stresses the importance of daily attendance as a means of building exceptional learners and leaders. We will continue to celebrate our students for their achievements throughout the year,” explains Ms. Utley.
Green Dot Parents,
As you can imagine, we were excited to learn that Gov. Bill Lee is working towards a more equitable funding formula for students in Tennessee, but more specifically, for the students in Memphis and Shelby County. This is great news for Green Dot Public Schools TN as we work to provide additional services and supports for our students and families.
This funding is more student-centered and offers parents more opportunities to make academic decisions for their students. The links below provide additional information and ways to use your voice to usher in the change our students need and deserve for the greatest academic outcomes.
In order for our state leaders to make the best decisions, they need to hear from parents and community members who know what is going on. We know we can count on you to speak up for students.
Please take 5 minutes this week to send a short email to about the need to better fund public schools that serve low-income communities and special needs.
Check out the information here,
TN Education Funding, to learn more about this opportunity.
As always, we’re here to help however we can. If you need support or would like a copy of an email template to send to State leaders, please reach out to Jocquell Rodgers at
Green Dot Public Schools TN kicked off its highly anticipated chef series on October 28, 2021, to raise funding for music programming for the region’s 2500 students. Chef Jimmy Gentry was the inaugural chef leading participants through three courses and great wines sponsored by Joe’s Liquors.
It’s not too late to join the next chef-led event,
Thursday, December 2, 2021. We have several special guests lined up, so you won’t want to miss it!
Click here to view GDPST’s 2021-22 School Calendar
It’s not too late to enroll for the 2021-2022 school year! Click here today!
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Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee:
Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee | 4950 Fairley Road, Memphis, TN 38109