GDPST Updates November 07, 2021
“ABILITY is what you’re capable of doing. MOTIVATION determines what you do. ATTITUDE determines who well you do it.” – Lou Holtz
The Fairley Bulldogs kicked off the 2021-2022 football season confidently, despite being at a disadvantage. Prior to this season, the team had not played in two years while many of their opponents returned to the gridiron for the 2020-2021 football season. “We’re a little behind the eight-ball compared to some of the other schools, but the students are positive, they’re excited and getting it,” said Copeland. Howard Passmore, a senior at Fairley, is overjoyed to be back on the field after being away from the game for so long. The Bulldogs ended the season and go into the postseason with a 9-1 record. We are wishing them the best of luck as they pursue the next level in state play.
A Safe and Successful Program
With the return to school sports, Fairley has remained unwavering in its commitment to ensuring the health and safety of all student-athletes. “We’ve made a push to make sure we play safe. About 65% of our athletes got vaccinated during a school vaccination event, so we’re just trying to make sure we can stay on the field, by making sure we’re being safe in school and outside of it,” said Copeland. ShotRX has been offering vaccination opportunities for families and eligible students on campus. Today, every player on the team is vaccinated.
For the Love of the Game
Though Fairley’s goes into the postseason as the two seed after losing the regional championship game to MAHS, Copeland is sure students will have plenty to take away from the experience. The most important lesson he believes students take away from football is how to grow from adversity. “When adversity hits don’t quit. In football when you get hit or when you’re losing, are you going to quit are you going to quit or keep going?” said Copeland. “We all know in adult life we have adversity where things don’t go as you want them to, but you have to persevere, push through and achieve that end goal.”
Fairley goes into the postseason optimistic about their chances to bring home the statewide championship. They are spending this week refocusing, working on areas that will make them a stronger team out on the field. No matter what the outcome, senior Carmelo Hollingsworth understands that football is the result of a good school experience. “A good football program starts with a good school. If you have a bad day at school, you’re going to have a bad day on the field.”
At Green Dot Public Schools TN, our academic program ensures students are prepared for college, leadership, and life. Our school’s athletic programs support students in cultivating the leadership and life skills needed to be successful on the field and in the classroom. Copeland and his team are committed to helping student-athletes win, on the field, but more importantly in life.
Green Dot Public Schools TN kicked off its highly anticipated chef series to raise funding for music programming for the region’s 2500 students. Chef Jimmy Gentry was the inaugural chef leading participants through three courses and great wines sponsored by Joe’s Liquors. Cecilia Walker and Ditty TV hosted GDPST’s Executive Director Megan Quaile on-site during the program.
If you missed this event, it’s not too late to join the next chef-led event, Thursday, December 2, 2021. There will be several special guests to engage the audience, including the principal of Bluff City High School, Lameika Pegues, and Dr. Tonya Lyons, a GDPST community partner. We are excited to see you there!
Click here to view GDPST’s 2021-22 School Calendar
It’s not too late to enroll for the 2021-2022 school year! Click here today!
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Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee:
Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee | 4950 Fairley Road, Memphis, TN 38109