Bloomberg invests in charter schools; schools face gun violence & Covid-19.
Editor’s Note: This weekly news report covers National, California, Tennessee, and texas trends in K-12 public education with a focus on public charter schools. Please reach out to with any questions.
- As the country responds to the Oxford School shooting crisis in Michigan, many questions arise, including how responsible is the school and faculty? (Associated Press, NY Times, CNN, Click on Detroit, The Detroit News)
- Mike Bloomberg will invest $750M over the next five years to charter schools across the country, with the goal of adding 150,000 charter school seats for students. (The Hill, Washington Post, The 74 Million, Edweek, NY Post)
- Between convoluted vaccine & booster requirements, quarantines, and myriad personal reasons, students appear to still be missing class at high rates due to Covid-19 and face lasting repercussions. (Chalkbeat, The 74 Million, United Nations, Texas Tribune)
- Chicago Tribune (Clarence Page, Editorial Columnist): Critical race theory is no excuse for ignorance
- Tennesseean (David Mansouri, CEO State Collaborative on Reforming Education): Tennessee charter schools offer an opportunity for the future of public education
- Wall Street Journal (Michael Bloomberg, Politician & Philanthropist): Why I’m Backing Charter Schools
- The Hill (Tom Mockaitis, DePaul University History Professor): Masks, vaccines and critical race theory don’t harm children — guns do