Green Dot’s Values Align in Beaumont, TX
Green Dot’s core values reflect the principles that direct the decisions we make. They are our pole star, our magnetic north. They’re the foundation for our culture and were carefully crafted to ensure our network was steered with a consistent set of tenets. As our work expands to serve the students at M.L. King Middle School, these are among the key reasons we were selected by the Beaumont Independent School District. For Texans first learning about us, our values are depicted by the stories we’re sharing here: every student and educator we meet in these stories plays a crucial role.
An unwavering belief in all students’ potential
This core value comes to life every day at Green Dot. Our academic model is focused on truly serving all students, and we’ve built a robust system of academic and social-emotional interventions to set them up for success. One of the four main components of our academic model is eliminating barriers to learning: We believe it is our responsibility to provide every student the necessary support to ensure college, leadership, and life. No excuses.
A passion for excellence
The ongoing question we ask ourselves is: Would we put our own children in our schools? Because if our schools aren’t good enough for our own children, they’re not good enough for anybody’s children. We’re serious about this. Holding ourselves to this standard has helped to create a cycle of continuous improvement and reflection at all levels of the organization.
Personal responsibility
Every decision we make is with our students and school communities in mind. We take personal responsibility for making a difference in the lives of our students. Again, we have a “no excuses” culture; we push ourselves towards solutions. Even the toughest challenges-equipping all students with digital devices and internet connectivity for example-aren’t ones from which we shy away. As educators, we have made a commitment to serve and make a difference in public education.
Respect for others in the community
Our process is collaborative. This core value influences our daily actions with one another and with our partners. Green Dot’s collaborative model with teachers and families has greatly improved retention, parent engagement, and student achievement.
All stakeholders are critical in the education process
We recognize that we can’t fulfill our mission in isolation. Only together can we reclaim the promise of public education. Our school leaders engage teachers in decision making and provide them with opportunities to affect change and improve their school communities. Our community engagement teams establish partnerships with local organizations to help families tap into their latent power to address the factors outside of school boundaries that pose barriers to learning and quality of life.