About Us

Explore the Jaguar Approach







At Ánimo Legacy Charter Middle School, we have a diverse and rigorous curriculum that sets students up for success in high school and beyond. We offer electives in Composition, Drama, Investigations, Intro to Ethnic Studies, and Physical Education. Through our dual enrollment partnership with Southwest College, scholars are able to take college courses on our campus during the regular school day. We want our students to know their potential is limitless.

Specialized Advisories

Our specialized advisory classes set Ánimo Legacy apart, providing students with both academic and social-emotional mentoring by top-notch educators. Advisories include Music, Yearbook, Smiling Boys, EmpowerHER, Associate Student Body, Black Student Association, and Gardening. These offerings are just one of the ways in which we prioritize personalized instruction for all students.

College Counseling

We provide mental health and social-emotional support for all students with the support of full-time school counselors and on-site school psychologists. All of our services, including our three support programs – High Impact Tutoring, Intervention Courses, and wrap-around services for the entire family – are free and provided on campus.

Campus Life

The Ánimo Legacy campus has a lot to offer, including our exciting after school program through ARC. Students can make connections and explore their interests in Roller Skating Club, Gaming Club, Concrete Queenz Skateboarding, Photography, and more. 

With our college-going culture and safe environment, students thrive at Ánimo Legacy.


Go Jaguars! Our sports teams include Basketball, Flag Football, Volleyball, Soccer, and Cheer, giving all of our students the opportunity to stay active and healthy. We understand the importance of engaging students inside and outside of the classroom in order to nurture our young learners.



We view our parents and guardians as equal partners in providing children with meaningful educational experiences. We have built a strong sense of community with our sister school down the street, Ánimo South Los Angeles Charter High School, as well as Ánimo City of Champions Charter High School in Inglewood. Many students graduate from Ánimo Legacy and continue on their path to college readiness on our campus.

Parent Quote

My children have been happy at both schools and so have I. [Ánimo Legacy and Ánimo South L.A] have supported me and my children.”

-Ana Perez,

Parent of Ánimo Legacy and Ánimo South L.A students

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