2/23/21: K-12 News & Views
Your weekly report on the most important stories of the week in K-12 public education. Be in touch with alanna.klein@greendot.org with media inquiries or questions.
Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee Re-Entry Updates 2/14
One of the top priorities of Green Dot Public Schools TN is creating spaces and opportunities for everyone to persevere through any of life's challenges, leading individuals to a place of physical and mental wellness.
New Beginning, Brighter Future: Corteona Standback
From a young age, Corteona Standback knew a college education would play a key role in her future. But the Fairley High School alumna never envisioned that her road to college would lead her 400 miles away from her home.
Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee Re-Entry Updates 2/11
One of the top priorities of Green Dot Public Schools TN is creating spaces and opportunities for everyone to persevere through any of life's challenges, leading individuals to a place of physical and mental wellness.
Green Dot to Partner in Transformation of Beaumont’s M.L. King Middle School
Green Dot was invited to partner with the local school district in Beaumont, Texas to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for the students of Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School
How We Prioritize Achievement and Equity for African American Students in L.A.
Our L.A. Schools have developed key programs that give our African American students a voice, community, and platform across our campuses.
How Alain Leroy Locke Led a Movement
A writer, philosopher, and educator, Alain Leroy Locke paved the way for African-American artists and scholars.
See How 1000+ Parents & Students Exercised the Power of Their Collective Voice
More than 1000 parents, students, and community members gathered virtually with public officials for the 7th annual United Parents and Students Assembly.
Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee Re-Entry Updates 1/31
One of the top priorities of Green Dot Public Schools TN is creating spaces and opportunities for everyone to persevere through any of life's challenges, leading individuals to a place of physical and mental wellness.
A Thank You Note to Our School Counselors
This week we’re celebrating National School Counselor Week. These heroic individuals nurture our students’ vision for the future and equip them with the tools and confidence to pursue their biggest goals.
Green Dot Honors Black History Month with Reflection, Outlook
Today, we’re reflecting on the heroes who have contributed to our nation’s diverse history and the next generation of difference makers who are making positive impacts in their communities.
Academic Interventions Create Success for Students
Through interventionist strategies such as “double blocking,” our schools have achieved exponential academic growth and narrowed critical skill gaps in core subjects, including reading and writing.