Nuestro equipo
Nos preocupamos por nuestros alumnos y nuestra comunidad,
y estamos orgullosos de servir a TODOS.

Conoce a nuestro director
¡Bienvenido a la Academia Preparatoria Universitaria Alain LeRoy Locke!
En 2008, las Escuelas Públicas Green Dot se unieron a profesores, padres y a la comunidad para transformar el Instituto Alain LeRoy Locke -uno de los centros con peores resultados de California- y dividirlo en varias academias pequeñas, seguras y de aprendizaje personalizado.
Hoy, la Familia Locke está formada por dos Academias, una que atiende a alumnos de 9º a 10º curso y otra que atiende a alumnos de 11º a 12º curso.
Además de un riguroso plan de estudios de preparación para la universidad, los alumnos de Locke tienen la oportunidad de participar en equipos de atletismo o en nuestra banda de música de categoría mundial.
También tienen acceso a programas innovadores de ciencia y tecnología.
Queremos que nuestros alumnos cultiven habilidades y cualidades que les preparen para el éxito en la universidad y más allá.
Nuestros alumnos se convierten en líderes preparados para alcanzar el éxito.
Creemos que depende de nosotros proporcionar el tipo de educación pública de alta calidad que puede llevarles adonde necesitan ir.
El éxito de los alumnos no es un destino, es un viaje que comienza en cuanto un alumno cruza las puertas de la Academia Preparatoria Universitaria Alain LeRoy Locke.
Cuando te unes a la Familia Locke, pasas a formar parte de una tradición de más de 50 años de educación pública de alta calidad.
Una vez santo, siempre santo.
Toni y Belén
Horario de oficina: Sólo con cita previa.

Directorio de personal
- Todos
- Administrador
- Profesores
- Consejeros
- Personal clasificado
Last Name | First Name | Position |
Martinez | Efrain | Visual Art Teacher |
Shankar | Vish | Computer Science Teacher |
Figueroa | Angel | 11th Grade Counselor |
Morales | Jessica | 12th Grade Intensive Support Counselor |
Martinez | Rachel | College & Career Specialist |
Whetstone | Jann | CTE Building and Contructions Teacher |
Milan | Goldner | Visual Art Teacher |
Robinson | Karen | Community Engagment Liason |
Bradshaw | Tamara | Case Manager |
Brown | Kyle | Music Teacher |
Maciel | Bertha | Dean, 11th and 12th |
Terrell | Zohnice | Student Support Specialist, 11th |
Mitchell | Paulina | Long Term Sub/ELA |
Rogers | Tiffany | RSP/SPD Teacher, English |
Velazquez | Saul | English 11 Teacher |
Gellman | Shaun | SDP US History Teacher |
Lawson | Anthony | US History Teacher/Athletics Director |
Marroquin | Italo | Adult Transition Teacher |
Gonzalez | Elisabeth | Case Manager |
Roowala | Zena | Clinical Services Manager |
Estrada | Richard | English 10/CRLW |
Gumbs | Robert | Physical Education Teacher |
Gibbings | Gordon | Area Superindentent |
Moreno | Connie | School Psychologist, IDM Program/ AT |
Nhuc | Kim | DIS Counselor |
Ginn | Toni | Principal of Culture, Supports and Community |
Ramirez | Belen | Principal of Instruction and Operations |
Ramirez | Cesar | Registrar, Enrollment Center |
Burnett | Virendia | Office Manager |
Solis | Joselinn | Office Assistant |
Wilson | Robena | Office Assistant |
Baldovinos | Jessica | EduCare Coordinator |
Munguia | Maria | Community School Director |
Montoya | Steven | Chemistry and Physics Teacher |
Harbeck | John | RSP/SPD Math Teacher |
Avila | Fernando | Algebra I/ Math Foundations Teacher |
Contreras- Valdovinos | Luis | AP Pre-Calculus |
Reyes | Itzel | Statistics and AP Calculus Teacher |
Lugo | Rafael | College Readiness 12 Teacher |
McKellar | Megan | Assistant Principal, Humanities |
Villafana | Yolanda | School Psychologist, 11-12th Grade |
Bakker | Sarah | Intro to Composition Teacher |
Strong | Eric | Credit Recovery and College Career Readiness 11 Teacher |
Sutton | Marquitta | AP English Lit, Language and AA Studies Teacher |
Romero-Ramos | Stephen | Ethnic Studies 11 Teacher |
Olivares | Ivan | Chemistry Teacher |
Scruggs | Sam | Gov/ Econ Teacher |
Guerrero | Luis | Government | Economics Teacher |
Singer | Constantine | Credit Recovery and College Career Readiness 11 Teacher |
Martinez | Cynthia | School Psychologist, 9th-10th Grade |
Edpao | Allan | Assistant Principal, 9th and 10th Grade |
Guardado | Lizet | Counselor ELD Year 1 and 2 |
Dickerson | Paula | ESN Nurse |
Ansari | Kaleem | Security Coordinator |
Aragon | Angela | TPP Job Placement Specialist |
Banuelos | Jesus | TPP Job Placement Specialist/Job Coach |
Castro | Maria | TPP Clerk |
De La Cruz | Monica | TPP Job Placement Specialist/Job Coach |
Smith | Leah | TPP Job Placement Specialist |
Ventura | Raquel | TPP Special Education Transition Coordinator |
Lopez | Jesus | Assistant Principal, STEM and CTE |
Orloff | Devora | English Teacher |
Saenz | Francisco | English 10 and AP Research |
Smith | Warren | RSP/SPD Teacher, English |
Avalos | Jodi | Sophmore Seminar Teacher |
Pio | Daniel | Geometry Teacher |
Enriquez | Alejandro | World History Teacher |
Lester | Alphonso | Student Suppor Specialist, 10th Grade |
Hosseini | Masha | English Teacher |
Garcia | Delmar | Math Teacher |
Gambrell | Andrew | Science Teacher |
Maldonado-Barrios | Bagni | Geomety and Math Foundations Teacher |
Gutierrez | Vincent | Ethnic Studies Teacher |
Farmer | Kaiya | RSP/SPD Math Teacher |
Nevarez | Jasmine | AP Seminar |
Butler | Cordiya | English 9 |
Navarro | Cruz | Student Support Specialist, 9th Grade |
Steveley | Candance | Biology Teacher |
Cuevas | Nancy | Assistant Principal, Special Education |
Mejia- Cabrera | Connie | Assistant Principal, Electives and Biliteracy |
Rodriguez | Mayra | ELD I/ Literacy Teacher |
Cisneros | Adriana | ELD I Teacher |
Nguyen | Ngoc | Geometry ELD Teacher |
Agustin | Hulmaro | Senior Ops & Finance Manager |
Franco | Maria | School Operations Manager |
Guillen | Mayra | School Operations Associate |
Esquivel | Felipe | Algebra II Teacher |
Tovar | Oscar | School Operations Manager |
Moore | Ross | SEPs, ESN |
Wolfson | Phil | Special Education Program Administrator |
Perez | Brenda | Adult Transition Teacher |
Ulloa | Jaime | Practical Social Science Teacher |
Vance | Justin | Practical English Teacher |
Torres | Joanna | Practical Math Teacher |
Arguello | Marcelo | School Campus Associate (SCA) |
Crawford | Heather | Special Education Aide |
Davis | Angelica | Special Education Aide |
Durham | Charles | School Campus Associate (SCA) |
Jackson | Asha | Instructional Aid |
Johnson | Deon | School Campus Associate (SCA) |
McDuffie | Larry | Special Education Aide |
Moten | D'Andre | Facilities |
Turner | Jerry | Special Education Aide |
Wyche | Kia | School Campus Associate (SCA) |
Johnson | Wayne | Student Suppor Specialist, 10th Grade |
Thurton | Shawnti | School Campus Associate (SCA) |
Last Name | First Name | Position |
Agustin | Hulmaro | Senior Ops & Finance Manager |
Aragon | Angela | TPP Job Placement Specialist |
Baldovinos | Jessica | EduCare Coordinator |
Banuelos | Jesus | TPP Job Placement Specialist/Job Coach |
Burnett | Virendia | Office Manager |
Castro | Maria | TPP Clerk |
De La Cruz | Monica | TPP Job Placement Specialist/Job Coach |
Edpao | Allan | Asst. Principal 11th &12th Grade Culture |
Franco | Maria | School Operations Manager |
Gibbings | Gordon | Principal of Academics |
Ginn | Toni | Asst. Principal of Culture 9th Grade |
Gonsales | Lorena | Office Assistant |
Guillen | Mayra | School Operations Associate |
Gutierrez | Peggy | Principal of Culture |
Jackson | Asha | Office Assistant |
McKellar | Megan | Asst. Principal Humanties |
Mejia- Cabrera | Connie | Asst. Principal Biliteracy |
Moten | D'Andre | Facilities |
Munguia | Maria | Community School Director |
Navarro | Cruz | Student Support Specialist |
Nevarez | Jasmine | AP Seminar |
Prieto | Jazmine | Office Assistant |
Ramirez | Cesar | Registrar |
Ramirez | Belen | Asst. Principal STEM and CTE |
Robinson | Karen | Community Engagment Liason |
Roowala | Zena | Clinical Services Manager |
Shrewsberry | Alexander | Asst. Principal of Culture for 10th Grade |
Silvera | Tristan | Student Support Specialist |
Smith | Leah | TPP Job Placement Specialist |
Solis | Joselinn | Office Assistant |
Terrell | Zohnice | Student Support Specialist |
Tovar | Oscar | School Operations Manager |
Turner | Nasia | African American Achievement Specialist |
Ventura | Raquel | TPP Special Education Transition Coordinator |
Wilson | Robena | Office Assistant |
Winston | Andrea | Asst. Principal SPED |
Wolfson | Phil | Special Education Program Administrator |
Thompson | Lavada | Student Support Specialist |
Last Name | First Name | Position |
Avila | Fernando | Algebra I/ Math Foundations Teacher |
Bakker | Sarah | Intro to Composition Teacher |
Batt | Joseph | Physics Teacher |
Butler | Cordiya | English 9 |
Cisneros | Adriana | ELD I Teacher |
Contreras- Valdovinos | Luis | AP Pre-Calculus |
Cuevas | Nancy | RSP/SPD Teacher |
Enriquez | Alejandro | World History Teacher |
Esquivel | Felipe | Algebra II Teacher |
Estrada | Richard | ELD 2 Literacy Teacher |
Farmer | Kaiya | RSP/SPD Teacher |
Gambrell | Andrew | Science Teacher |
Garcia | Delmar | Math Teacher |
Garcia | Michael | Practical Math/ Science Teacher |
Gellman | Shaun | SDP US History Teacher |
Guerrero | Luis | Government | Economics Teacher |
Gumbs | Robert | Physical Education Teacher |
Guthrie | Brenna | English Teacher |
Gutierrez | Vincent | Ethnic Studies Teacher |
Harbeck | John | RSP/SPD Teacher |
Hill | Tim | Music Teacher |
Lawson | Anthony | US History Teacher |
Leonard | Kalem | ELA/ Composition Teacher |
Lopez | Jesus | Algebra 1 Teacher |
Lugo | Rafael | English 12 | College Readiness Teacher |
Maciel | Bertha | Spanish Teacher |
Maldonado-Barrios | Bagni | Geomety and Math Foundations Teacher |
Marroquin | Italo | Adult Transition Teacher |
Martinez | Efrain | Visual Art Teacher |
Mitchell | Paulina | CCR Teacher |
Montoya | Steven | Chemistry and Physics Teacher |
Moore | Ross | Adaptive PE Teacher |
Nguyen | Ngoc | Geometry ELD Teacher |
Olivares | Ivan | Chemistry Teacher |
Orloff | Devora | English Teacher |
Perez | Brenda | Adult Transition Teacher |
Pio | Daniel | Geometry Teacher |
Ramos | Ricardo | Biology Teacher |
Reyes | Itzel | Statistics and AP Calculus Teacher |
Rodriguez | Mayra | ELD I/ Literacy Teacher |
Rogers | Tiffany | English 11/ Academic Success Teacher |
Romero-Ramos | Stephen | Ethnic Studies 11 Teacher |
Saenz | Francisco | English 10 and AEE Teacher |
Scruggs | Sam | Gov | Econ Teacher |
Shankar | Vish | Computer Science Teacher |
Singer | Constantine | Credit Recovery Teacher |
Smith | Warren | SpEd Teacher |
Strong | Eric | Credit Recovery Teacher |
Sutton | Marquitta | English / Expository Reading & Writing Teacher |
Ulloa | Jaime | Practical English/ Social Science Teacher |
Vance | Justin | ID Teacher |
Velazquez | Saul | English 9/ Literacy Intervention Teacher |
Volz | Chloe | CCR Teacher |
Wada | Ann Marisa | Visual Art Teacher |
Whetstone | Jann | CTE Building and Contructions Teacher |
Rivera | Melissa | Math Foundations 10 Teacher |
Last Name | First Name | Position |
Crawford | Heather | Special Education Aide |
Davis | Angelica | Special Education Aide |
Figueroa | Angel | Counselor 10th Grade & 10th Grade ID |
Guardado | Lizet | Counselor ELD 9th-12th |
Holt | Debra | Nurse |
Martinez | Cynthia | School Psychologist, 9th-10th Grade |
Martinez | Rachel | College & Career Specialist |
Martinez-Lopez | Alejandro | Special Education Aide |
McDuffie | Larry | Special Education Aide |
Morales | Jessica | Counselor 12th last name K-Z & AT Students |
Moreno | Connie | School Psychologist, IDM Program/ AT |
Nhuc | Kim | DIS Counselor |
Turner | Jerry | Special Education Aide |
Villafana | Yolanda | School Psychologist, 11-12th Grade |
Last Name | First Name | Position |
Ansari | Kaleem | Security Coordinator |
Arguello | Marcelo | Campus Security Officer (CSO) |
Bradshaw | Tamara | Case Manager |
Durham | Charles | Campus Security Officer (CSO) |
Gonzalez | Elisabeth | Case Manager |
Johnson | Deon | Campus Security Officer (CSO) |
Montoya | Edgard | Campus Security Officer (CSO) |
Wyche | Kia | Campus Security Officer (CSO) |